CCA Guidelines

As directed by the CCA Handbook Hubbster is the only entity with authorization to replicate the CCA logo.

Copied from the handbook, the authorized uniform is:

Navy Blue Pants
Navy Blue Shorts
Navy Blue Skirts
Navy Blue Skorts
Navy Blue Jumpers

Skirts, jumpers, and dresses must be fingertip length when the girl is standing with her arms at her side.  Shorts and skorts can be a bit shorter but should still be appropriate.

Modesty shorts are required for girls who tumble and twirl on the playground.  Leggings/jeggings are intended for modesty and warmth under skirts and dresses, they are not replacements for slacks.

Coats, jackets, sweaters and sweatshirts worn during chapel or in the classroom setting must be logoed uniform pieces.

Shoes must cover the whole foot, be fastened properly, and suitable for rocks, gravel, stairs, carpet and wet/dry cement.  Athletic-type shoes can be black, gray, navy blue or white.  No patterns.  No additional colors are acceptable.  Leather shoes, like oxfords or saddle shoes, and boots can be brown, black, gray, navy blue, or white.

Socks, tights, leggings, and nylons, must be solid colors in black, gray, navy blue, or white.

Children need to wear a belt if their pants have belt loops.  Removing loops is not an acceptable practice, get a belt.  Belts must be black, navy blue, or brown leather without studding or designs.  When not at play, shirts must remain tucked.  Sagging pants is unacceptable.

Uniforms for Chapel
Girls:  Blue polo or blue vest with a plaid item
Boys:  Blue polo or blue vest with grey pants or shorts.

Extreme hair colors and cuts are not allowed.
Boys must keep their hair off their collars and out of their eyes.
Hair coloring or bleaching is unacceptable for boys.
Girls must keep their hair out of their eyes and face.
Barrettes and hair accessories do not have to match the uniform.  Headbands must be plain, no tiaras or ears.

Hair and body glitter is unacceptable for regular uniform days.  Girls should be conservative in their use of make-up.  Boys are not allowed to wear make-up.

Jewelry should be conservative and kept to a minimum.  Long necklaces, dangling earings, and excessive bracelets, are not safe for playground or PE activities.  Boys are not allowed to wear earings.  Pierced ears are the only acceptable piercings.  No gauges.

P.E. Clothing
Hubbster has CCA apparel for P.E., but it is not required at this time.